Ilma Hidayati Purnomo

My Life in Seattle Feels Like Multiple Scams

I thought everything will get better here. Turns out, many things just get worse

1. Same thing, more expensive price

I go to the groceries store from the same parent company here in Seattle and in Chicago. Unexpectedly, the lowest price of 1 pound of strawberries here is $2.7 while in Chicago only $0.99! How come it's almost three times the price?!

I can't afford to buy fresh vegetables and fruit anymore because they're too expensive and go bad so quickly. So, I buy bread or other similar product more often resulting in abrupt weight gain.

2. Super expensive school

This is the worst scam ever. Pre-K is almost like a playground. The teacher barely teach any academic knowledge. The students mostly only play, draw, make messy arts, or do silly things.

The thing is, here in Seattle, if you are above poverty level, you have to pay $1300/months for tuition fee of public school Pre-K. Crazy!

Ok, my son's friend's parent told me to try the ECEAP, which is actually for family below poverty level. I went through the application process. I almost lied to them about my spouse's wage. Well, I finally simply said I have to asked my husband how much does he make now.

I was going to just abandon the application process until 5 days after I come to the school, the registrar emailed me. I told her my husband makes more than $100k. But she insisted I gave her my husband's paystub because the program may serve over income family if the waitlist is not too long. So, I send it t her.

Three months later, no emails, just nothing. I finally send her an email asking for follow up. Never received any reply.

Feels like a scam, right?

3. Fake friends

That friend who's parent told me about the free Pre-K program is the one who initiated playdate. First time, I didn't make it. It was almost sunset.

Next time, I told my son to come on Wednesday because the school ends early. I came to the park right after I picked up my son. Waited for an hour, he finally came.

I was happy to meet his mom. She is a muslim and wears veil as well. We shared many things. I felt like I finally make a foreign friend.

The other time, it was raining. We did come to the park to just check.

Next time, we came to the park and had to wait for an hour one more time. So, the next week, I was adjusting their time.

Unfortunately, when I arrived at the park THE SAME time they used to come, I saw their car leaving the park. My son was having a tantrum because he couldn't play with his friend. I was shocked.

I live in the same apartment complex with my son's friend family. Sometimes, when I walk to pick up my son at the bus stop, I see their car and the mom greet me. After that incident (I was arriving too late), she never greet me anymore although we pass by.

I keep coming to the park and hoping my son's friend would come to the playdate. We waited an hour but they never come.

What kind of friend is that?

4. Virtually no Indonesian friend

I know some friends but we only did meet up once. They like to meet in fancy cafe very early in the morning. I can't make it. I can't spend money on expensive cafe food. Also, I can't come out very early like 8 am. I'm still preparing my son's and my husband lunch and I have to drop them off to school and office.

Why do we have to meet so early? Are you going to have a work meeting or friend meeting?

5. Not four seasons, but two!

After those days when people wear short pants, the days become colder. And then, the temperature stays the same, between 0°C-10°C. Just like that, even on January when it should be the peak of winter season. 

No snow, just rain. Only few plants have changing color leaves. Strong winds can cause disaster. (Like, what?! I lived in the windy city for 5 years. The wind is very strong that it can blow you out of the bus stop but never EVER cause any power outage).

So, there are only two seasons here: fall (the colder season) and summer (the hotter season). 356 days of full humidity. Less seasonal change than in Indonesia. LOL.

6. The time zone is killing me

15 hours behind Indonesia?! I can't even join a meeting hold by Indonesian friends without suffering my sleeping time. Sunrise at 7:55 am which is 10:55 pm in Indonesia. Always too early for me and too late for my friend in Indonesia and vice versa.

7. Useless Fridge

When I first saw the fridge in our apartment, I was amazed. It was very clean although it wasn't new. But then, things turned around. I hate this fridge.

Back in Chicago, I used to throw left over soup or cooked meal in the fridge. I heated the meal the next morning and everything was okay.

One day, I put beef curry in this fridge. I heated it the next morning to feed my second son. He threw up.

It didn't only happen once, many times. I had stomachache almost 10 times in the first two months I arrived here because of the food that I cooked myself!

Looks like the fridge doesn't cool very well or the air circulation is bad thus it only circulates bacteria. Oh, bacteria and fungi. They grow easily in the fridge, dishwasher, kitchen, everywhere!

8. Confusing School System

This new school district is just ... not friendly. The first time new students come to school was only two days before the school started. The application process for gifted was not straightforward. I did it anyway. My son took the test and the result was not disappointing. 

Unfortunately, the passing grade was too high. My son's homeroom teacher has been a teacher for more than 10 years in that school. She even went to that elementary school. She said, there have never been a student from that school who received gifted program. Simply, it's just an impossible standard to be passed.

I was frustrated. I thought, fine, as long as my son enjoys the school. Then my son said that the lesson in the school is too easy. There is no homework as well. I never know what did my son learn at school. Then, when I got the first report card, my son didn't get straight A?!

What the hell? Like, why you give very easy materials but take it HARD to give maximum score?

I prefer the Chicago Public School. Yes, they gave more challenging materials but they support students fully and give maximum score easily.

Report card is not only about rewarding, it stays with the student forever! And the teacher only can give B for the best student she has (that was what she admitted during parent-teacher conference)?!

The Turning Back

I guess I complained too much that I can't see positive side, silver lining, whatever you call it. I finally met my son's friend who ghosted me for the playdate. We exchanged phone number. She messaged me last week. I could tell her I'm not going to the park because my son was sick.

The season suddenly changed on February 1st. Snowing straight for 3 days! I managed to build a snowman. It feels magical, yet, my heart still a bit heavy because we were sick.

Our living situation become worse because of the recent issue: immigration arrest and deportation. Now, I can see my life in an easy way: if Allah wants me to stay here, it will happen and it will be good. If he doesn't want me to stay here, it will happen and it still will be good :)
Ilma Purnomo (Mama Razin)
Ibu rumah tangga yang kadang belajar hal baru, menulis, memasak, atau ngajar anak. Saat ini tinggal di Seattle, Amerika Serikat.

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